Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Steven's Bike

Steven was really excited when I told him about the bike. The idea came from me and Sima, a woman who also volunteers her time for the orphanage. Nowadays, he saves about a buck a day (which is definitely appreciable, believe me) that would have been spent on minibus fees. For short trips, he can save time too. Equally importantly, it gave him a little morale boost. I can't tell you how many flaming torches this guy has to juggle. He has to deal with a cranky (and sometimes lazy) board of trustees, snot-nosed kids coming out his armpits, and a budget that exists only in spirit, and that's just the beginning. I like Steven a lot. He's a good friend, a really hard worker, and completely deserving recipient. If you were wondering, the grass structure in the background is the kitchen. The one who's not smiling is named Georgina, and she's got a great voice. Thanks to Bret from Chicago for this one.

As of now, we've also got funding for Alfred's management certificate, and for 5 students at Nyambadwe school to finish their "senior year of high school" (aka Third term of Standard 4). I'm contemplating a request for an HIV/AIDS kit that Peace Corps makes, which I'd learn how to use and then (fingers crossed) get someone else to take it over.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

nothing here yet

But, there will be.

On this blog you will find updates, photos, and archived requests, to chronicle the gifts given to this program and the progress of the program in general. Comments welcome.

The first request for $75 for a bike for Steven Makwisa was met right away. In fact, our generous numero uno donor kicked in an extra $25, which I'll probably spend on warm clothes for the kids.

PayPal will be up and running in time for the next donation request, so credit card users, rejoice.